A solid-state drive (SSD) enhances the performance of each application running on it in comparison with a classic hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that a solid-state drive works by using a variety of interconnected flash memory modules, so there are no physical parts to move. In contrast, a hard-disk drive contains spinning disks and any reading or writing process causes the disks to rotate, which means that the speed of an HDD is limited. As the cost of the two kinds of drives also differ, a lot of computer systems and web servers are set up with an SSD for the OS and various applications, and an HDD for file storage, this way balancing cost and performance. A web hosting provider can also use an SSD for caching purposes, which means that files which are used regularly will be located on such a drive for achieving higher loading speeds and for reducing the reading/writing processes on the HDDs.

SSD with Data Caching in Cloud Hosting

We use solely SSDs on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform and we've removed all HDDs on the production servers in order to ensure outstanding loading speeds for every aspect of our services - files, e-mails and databases. That way, all the content that you upload to your cloud hosting account will be accessible very quickly. In order to boost the overall performance of the sites hosted on our end even further, we also use multiple SSDs that function only as cache - our system stores often accessed content on them and upgrades it without delay. We use this type of a setup to ensure that traffic-intensive Internet sites do not affect the performance of the other sites hosted on our platform and that way all other Internet sites can also take advantage of the speed that the SSD drives provide. Furthermore, due to the fact that the load on the main drives is decreased, their lifespan shall be longer, which is one more warranty for the security and stability of your data.