When using the cloud hosting plan, you’ll have an unrestricted variety of web sites in one web hosting account. Have limitless disk space and traffic allocations. Generate an unrestricted range of email accounts as well as MySQL databases. You will have everything you need in order to manage a number of web sites at the same time.
Take a look at our services with a 30 days free trial. No credit card information necessary.
Start Free TrialEnhanced Service Stability and Security
A cloud web hosting system based on security–enhanced Linux hosting servers
Our servers are running a security–upgraded Linux distribution, which makes them outstandingly–protected and durable. We’ve invested a lot of time and energy into developing a safe network that can cope with substantial hacker or even DDoS attacks without any interruptions to the web hosting service or imperiling your web site’s performance.
A secure and safe web application firewall software
Safeguard your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla™, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack attacks using ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program meant to defend web applications against hacker assaults. We have configured the firewall program in such a way as to obstruct all widespread website attacks automatically. By default, ModSecurity is enabled for all domain names, but you may easily disable it for any web site you would like.
Solid–State Drives
SSD–based cloud hosting servers
All our cloud hosting machines are fitted out with solid–state disks instead of traditional disk drives. Solid–state disks boast faster read/write speeds, which implies that your site will open faster. No extra site modifications are required.
By result of the outstanding connectivity possibilities provided by each of our cloud web hosting Data Centers, your website will begin to load significantly faster as soon as you turn to our hosting services.
Remote MySQL Access
Remotely connect to your MySQL database
Setting up a remote MySQL connection can be tough with other hosting vendors. At MYVYM Web Hosting, we have rendered the process really simple – all you need to do is specify the IP address of the hostname you intend to grant access and our clever system will do everything else. A remote MySQL connection can be quite useful if you would like to share a database among a bunch of websites.
99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee
A 99.9% uptime is guaranteed
At MYVYM Web Hosting, we give a 99.9% network uptime warranty. This means that, come hell or high water, your website will be reachable online and everyone will be able to visit it. All this is possible because of the custom–built cloud hosting system that we’ve designed. It is based on a seriously tweaked version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure maximum server uptime for all cloud hosting customers.
Web Accelerators
The Website Acceleration Tools (Node.js, Memcached and Varnish) built into the hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, are there to significantly boost your dynamic web sites’ loading speed.
They’re designed to store in a cache the data from your websites and hence reduce the amount of queries to the database server or the API. This will help all your websites open way quicker than ever before and will help you draw more happy web site visitors, which means lower bounce rates.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our plans is configured for your needs free. 30–day refund. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min response time.
Compare our prices
- Have a quick look at the quotas and features provided by every one of our website hosting plans. You could begin with a smaller plan and upgrade with only a click when your website gets bigger.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We are available for you in business hours to reply to all requests concerning MYVYM Web Hosting’s cloud website hosting services.